
Read here blogs written by the OWise team. The team, all scientists, discuss topics that may be of interest to you. So far the topics have been highlighted by our close collaborators including patients, carers, cancer clinicians, support workers and other health care professionals. If you have any suggestions for an interesting blog, please get in touch!

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June 15, 2021

Lymphedema and Cording: The science behind them

Lymphedema & cording are both commonly overlooked breast cancer treatment side effects. Learn more about how they can affect the body in this blog!

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Lighthouse to signify managing the fear of breast cancer recurrence
June 11, 2021

Demystifying fear of breast cancer recurrence

Fear of breast cancer recurrence is one of the most common topics cancer survivors discuss. Learn more about it and how to manage it.

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Radiotherapy for breast cancer
June 10, 2021

Lumpectomy and radiotherapy: All you need to know

Find out everything about lumpectomy and radiotherapy, as well as some results from recent clinical trials, and useful tips for you to manage common side effects caused by these treatments.

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Female statue
June 8, 2021

5 Facts You May Not Know About Breast Cancer

From its first record to the discovery of its common treatments, uncover more about breast cancer.

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Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer treatment
May 21, 2021

Tamoxifen vs. Aromatase Inhibitors – How do they work?

Both tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors are hormonal therapies used in the treatment of estrogen positive breast cancers to stop tumor growth and recurrence.

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Joint pain caused by aromatase inhibitor treatment for breast cancer
May 21, 2021

Aromatase Inhibitors and Joint Pain: Causes and Ways of Managing

Joint pain is common amongst breast cancer patients using Aromatase Inhibitors. Learn more about the various ways of managing this side effect.

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Breast cancer mastectomy and reconstruction abstract art
February 11, 2021

Mastectomy and breast reconstruction: Your options

Surgery is one of the first treatments a breast cancer patient receives. Find out more about the different types of mastectomy and breast reconstruction.

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Woman holding magnifying glass
October 8, 2020

It’s All About HER2-Positive Breast Cancer

If you have HER2-positive breast cancer, this is the blog for you! Find out exactly what HER2 is and how it may affect your treatment plan.

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