
Read here blogs of the OWise team. The team, all scientists, discuss topics that may be of interest to you. Thus far the topics have been highlighted by our close collaborators including patients, carers, cancer clinicians, support workers and other health care professionals. If you have suggestions for an interesting blog, please get in touch with us!


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Navigating chemotherapy safely
July 25, 2024

Chemotherapy and Breast Cancer: Navigating Treatment Safely

Chemotherapy is a treatment for breast cancer. Take steps to manage your health and well-being to navigate chemotherapy treatment safely.

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Woman with metastatic breast cancer walking through a meadow
July 25, 2024

Metastatic breast cancer: pathology, signs, and diagnosis

Metastatic breast cancer occurs when cancer spreads beyond the breast and lymph nodes, to other parts of the body.

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The immune system in action
July 22, 2024

Immunotherapy Uncovered: A Guide for Breast Cancer

Immunotherapy boosts the immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells. This blog covers types of immunotherapy for breast cancer.

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July 22, 2024

Understanding Your Breast Cancer Diagnosis: A Guide

It can be difficult to understand the information about your breast cancer diagnosis, this blog will break it down for you.

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Breast cancer survivor Carly Moosah
July 18, 2024

15 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was First Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

A blog written by Carly Moosah listing 15 things she wishes she’d have known when first diagnosed with breast cancer.

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Two women sitting back to back
October 10, 2022

Triple Negative and Me: TNBC and its treatments

If you have Triple Negative breast cancer, find out exactly what triple negative is and how it can affect your treatment plan.

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May 26, 2022

Tamoxifen: what you should and shouldn’t avoid

Tamoxifen is one of the widely prescribed breast cancer treatments for premenopausal women.But, did you know that the effectiveness of this drug can be boosted or compromised based on everyday foods and drinks?

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September 5, 2021

Choosing To Go Flat Instead of Breast Reconstruction

In this blog, the Breast Advocate® team discuss the process of choosing to go flat after breast cancer surgery.

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August 3, 2021

How to deal with Tamoxifen side effects

In this blog we explain how tamoxifen works, common side effects and management strategies to help deal with these.

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July 19, 2021

Self Advocacy and Breast Cancer

Self advocacy and being an active participant in your health care team is a process. Useful approaches may vary between individuals. This blog aims to help those who wish to further participate and have a more active role in their own care but feel unsure how to begin.

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Fatigue cartoon with a tired head with a flower coming out of the brain
July 16, 2021

Cancer Related Fatigue is not “just tiredness”

Cancer-related fatigue is a common and weakening side effects of cancer. People with cancer know what being tired normally feels like; this feeling of fatigue is different.

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DNA strand
July 13, 2021

BRCA: the inherited risk of breast cancer

BRCA is one of the most well-known genes influencing the risk of cancer. Explore exactly what it is, the associated risk of breast cancer, and treatments in development to target these genes.

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Orange paper fan
July 12, 2021

Hot flushes: What causes them and how to manage them

Are you experiencing hot flushes? This blog explores what causes them and tips to help you manage them.

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Hair loss and Cancer Treatment
July 9, 2021

Hair Loss & Cancer Treatment – Why does it happen and what can I do about it?

In partnership with HeadWrappers this blog looks at cancer treatment related hair loss and management techniques.

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July 5, 2021

Urogenital Problems and Breast Cancer Treatment

While not always discussed in the doctor’s office, breast cancer treatment can have an effect on the genital and urinary areas.

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July 2, 2021

What is Chemo-brain and what can I do about it?

Find out about possible causes and treatment options for the cancer side effect commonly referred to as chemo brain.

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June 28, 2021

Tumour gene tests: What are they and why should you know about them?

Genomic tests have changed how cancer is treated. In this blog we explain the objective and the different types of genomic tests available.

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June 18, 2021

Hormone therapy resistance: What you should know

Find out what hormone therapy resistance means, how it happens, and how it may affect you and your treatment plan.

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woman holding paper
June 17, 2021

Your Pathology Results Explained

Your pathology results contain valuable information that will determine the type of treatment you receive. This can help you better understand your diagnosis and treatment plan. Start learning all the nitty-gritty details of a pathology report!

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June 15, 2021

Lymphedema and Cording: The science behind them

Lymphedema & cording are both commonly overlooked breast cancer treatment side effects. Learn more about how they can affect the body in this blog!

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Lighthouse to signify managing the fear of breast cancer recurrence
June 11, 2021

Demystifying fear of breast cancer recurrence

Fear of breast cancer recurrence is one of the most common topics cancer survivors discuss. Learn more about it and how to manage it.

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June 10, 2021

Lumpectomy and radiotherapy: All you need to know

Find out everything about lumpectomy and radiotherapy, as well as some results from recent clinical trials, and useful tips for you to manage common side effects caused by these treatments.

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Female statue
June 8, 2021

5 Facts You May Not Know About Breast Cancer

From its first record to the discovery of its common treatments, uncover more about breast cancer.

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Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer treatment
May 21, 2021

Tamoxifen vs. Aromatase Inhibitors – How do they work?

Both tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors are hormonal therapies used in the treatment of estrogen positive breast cancers to stop tumor growth and recurrence.

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